Would you love getting sparkly jewelry delivered to your doorstep? Yep, thought so! Time for you to check out Rocksbox! (Use the code chelseabff5 to get your first month free!!)
Before I send back this month’s box to be replaced with another set of amazing jewels, I wanted to do my first Rocksbox review of spring! I have to admit, my Rocksbox stylists are starting to really get my style! My monthly picks seem to be more and more on point!
How it works:
1. BECOME A SHINE INSIDER ($19/month)- Take the style survey and add items to your jewelry Wish List.
2. GET 3 PIECES TO WEAR ON LOAN- Each piece is hand-selected for you based on your style and specific requests. Wear your pieces as much as you want!
3. RETURN ANYTIME TO GET 3 NEW PIECES- Return your Rocksbox pieces anytime and as often as you like. Every set has 3 pieces of designer jewelry, worth an average of $200 per set.
Below is this month’s collection:
Perry Street Amelie Crystal Necklace (retails at $90, member price is $72)– When I saw this necklace in my rocksbox, I could hardly contain my squeals of delight! I’ve seen this necklace featured before and have had my eye on it! BUT, when I started trying it on, I found it harder to wear than I expected. I ended up finding the perfect tank to pair it with, my Old Navy Hi-Neck Tank! (ft. in Pink Pumps post), it looks great with anything simple and hi-necked.

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